When do you feel most alive? When you’re taking a summer drive with your friends, windows down with music blasting, singing as loud as possible? Or is it during moments where you simply cannot stop laughing for any apparent reason without even knowing why? For most of us reading this right now, it’s when experiencing the complete euphoria of a live show.
Live music brings a bliss with it that doesn’t compare to most things this life has to offer on a day-to-day basis. You’re surrounded by people who become family within a matter of hours that want nothing more to experience peace, love and happiness. You’re seeing colors you’ve never seen, and feeling feelings you’ve never felt. You’re truly feeling alive, experiencing nothing but good vibes. And lucky for all of us, the mind-blowing band that is Papadosio is returning home for one night of super groovy tunes on Friday, November 23rd at Newport Music Hall.
“You get an opportunity, at a live show, to experience more than simple entertainment if you decide to engage in a way that places you in the moment. Whether it’s dancing with friends or listening deeply there isn’t the distraction of goals, phones (hopefully), bosses, deadlines, etc. Just raw experience,” Anthony Thogmartin of Papadosio said. Which is so true. All the worries of the world can disappear, even for just one night.
To make it even better, we get to experience Papadosio, in all their epic eminence, in their home state. Being able to listen to a live performance when the artist is in their home adds a special connection between the audience and performers that can’t be experienced otherwise. “When you’re gone from a place long enough, the experience of being back brings with it memories and inspiration. It’s like completing cycles and opening new ones when you leave. Something only a sense of what was once home can grant you these experiences,” Thogmartin said. Excited yet?
With both a unique indie-electronic and alternative-rock feel, Papadosio’s songs have been described as sounding like “what flipping over a rock and seeing a bunch of bugs looks like”. “I’ll take it,” Thogmartin said. And so will we!
Above anything, a Papadosio show is all about connection and being deeply moved through music. “We just hope people connect with the music in more than just a superficial way. We want people to feel what we feel and be moved in the ways we are moved,” Thogmartin said. Their music truly has the ability to take you into another world and think like you wouldn’t normally think. In a matter of minutes, you can go through a whole range of emotions. Paired with lights, people, and love, Papadosio’s live shows are something that can’t be missed!
Tickets for Friday’s show can be found linked below, as well as Papadosio’s Spotify and other social medias. Papa’s in the house, let’s get weird!
Spotify: http://papados.io/papaspotify
Facebook: Facebook.com/papadosio
Instagram: Instagram.com/papadosio
Twitter: Twitter.com/papadosio
Website: Papadosio.com
youtube: Youtube.com/user/papadosio