Pigeons Playing Ping Pong Partners with The Relix Channel for Live Stream Concert Series

By: Juliana Todeschi

Attention couch potatoes everywhere!!! Starting Friday, February 15th, Pigeons Playing Ping Pong will partner with Relix Magazine‘s The Relix Channel to bring you a live stream concert series. The first date on the books is tomorrow night’s show (2/15) at Concord Music Hall in Chicago, IL. The stream begins at 11:30 pm ET and can be viewed here: Relix.com/live.

“We’re honored and thrilled to be teaming up with Relix and couches everywhere,” PPPP frontman Greg Ormont enthusiastically shares. “Now, if you can’t make it to the show, you can flock out at home. You better believe I’m gonna find you in the lens!”

This partnership marks the first of its kind for The Relix Channel and Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, who promise to make this streaming series a relatively frequent occurrence. The streams will be free, but a “pay what you want” digital tip jar will be available and the band is optimistic fans will be supportive to keep this couch tour going.

For future live stream announcements, fans should stay tuned to the Pigeons Playing Ping Pong Facebook page and Relix.com/live.

Pigeons Playing Ping Pong are currently on the road and have dates scheduled well into the summer months. Find a full list of all upcoming tour dates below.

The Relix Channel is a community of multi-faceted, open-minded, and creative connectors who seek out exciting, innovative performers. They foster the live music community by connecting people who matter the most — the fans. They are musicians, writers, photographers, music vets, and above all, music fans. They are a resource for the passionate and the ambitious, presenting the fans with unprecedented access to the people that make live music happen. Since their earliest inception, they have opened doors for the sonically curious and excelled as the voice of the live music community.

Pigeons Playing Ping Pong Tour Dates: 

2/14 – Bloomington, IN – The Bluebird *
2/15 – Chicago, IL – Concord Music Hall
2/16 – Grand Rapids, MI – The Intersection *
3/22 – Cleveland, OH – House Of Blues *
3/28 – Harrisburg, PA – Capitol Room **
3/29 – Stroudsburg, PA – Sherman Theater **
3/30 – Albany, NY – Jupiter Hall **
4/4 – Burlington, VT – Higher Ground Ballroom &
4/5 – Burlington, VT – Higher Ground Ballroom **
4/6 – Portland, ME – The State Theatre **
4/12 – Rochester, NY – Anthology **
4/13 – Rochester, NY – Anthology % 
4/24 – Columbia, MO – Blue Note ~
4/25 – Urbana, IL – Canopy ~
4/26 – Milwaukee, WI – Turner Hall Ballroom ~
4/27 – Minneapolis, MN – Varsity Theater ~
4/28 – Omaha, NE – Slowdown ~
5/2 – Morrison, CO – Red Rocks Amphitheatre !
5/3 & 5/4 – New Orleans, LA – Mardi Gras World Ballroom # 
5/16 – 5/18 – Masontown, WV – Domefest

* w/ Mungion
** w/ Cycles
& w/ Goose
% w/ Kitchen Dwellers
~ w/ Twiddle
! w/ Twiddle & Kitchen Dwellers
# w/ The String Cheese Incident

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