The Gravity of Dopapod's Return

Written by Chris Salvato
Dopapod – from front to back, this band is uniquely their own. After what has felt like an eternity, the band’s one year planned hiatus is coming to an end. To the great delight of fans across the country, Dopapod will reunite at the Capitol Theatre on Saturday, April 27, in Port Chester, NY. Though only one show is currently scheduled, the album Emit Time is scheduled for release on May 25 – a small taste of which is available now in the form of their single, “Numbers Need Humans”.
Dopapod’s reemergence gives us great reason to celebrate in the present time, however, their ongoing participation in the world of festivals, clubs, and late night tent ragers is by no means a guarantee. There is one show booked for a reason – the band wants to feel this experience. The gravity involved in making decisions to tour and make music indefinitely can be creatively stifling – which is the last thing any musician is after.
The meaning of music to trained specialists, such as the members of Dopapod, goes beyond habitually or compulsively touring, or grinding to create. Guitarist Rob Compa said in his interview with JamBase, that the band is searching for “ways we could do it and it would be enjoyable, and not be something we’re trapped in or something we have to do.”
If we are to understand that a message was being sent through the hiatus, and the reemergence of just one show, the takeaway is this: the obligation of a band is not to music, or to its fans, but to the actual feelings the music expresses, and translates to the listener. Authentic connection to artistic expression is paramount to the lifeblood of any band, and therefore, if it don’t feel right…it ain’t.
Respect is due to those that protect the value of their experience in life. The reunion of Dopapod at the Capitol Theatre April 27 is a truly unique opportunity to experience the sublimation of inner wisdom possessed by these individuals, that caused them to put the brakes on the heavy chug of a train headed toward personal dissatisfaction. Music connects people in a telepathic way. Empathy allows us to connect with an artist’s emotions, through which we can connect to the thoughts associated with those powerful feelings.
People will tell you your entire life that if you don’t like something, change it. Stop it. Be who you want to be. This is so much easier said than done – something that helps is a mentor. Dopapod, and the message they are sending through this show, is a rousing testament to the power of self reflection, and the ability to change the path you’re on – and they aren’t even going to say a word about it.
We love Dopapod. We want the legacy to unfold and multiply. We want the band to play, and create, and grow. Most importantly, we want its members to feel absolute freedom on stage. It is so easy to forget the humanity of the people in your favorite bands. The lights, the way the music takes over your whole being, everything about the experience elevates your perception of the band above the normal standards fans hold humans to. Numbers on spreadsheets, milestone metrics, and growth plans can dry the emotional well that artists draw from. The balance involved with longevity is found through a formula that needs to be rediscovered daily.
We have one opportunity now to connect with and celebrate the lives and feelings of these musicians that have sacrificed every other possible reality to make their inner visions accessible to us. We can bank on the fact that they have something to show us – otherwise, they would not be here doing this. We are privileged to know that Dopapod does not perform in vain – if they’re out there, it’s for a reason.
Dopapod, you have sent the message that your presence is meaningful, it is not compulsory, and that you intend to communicate in profound, not mundane, ways to the fans that attend your shows. We see you. We appreciate that you have taken the time to give credence to your authentic selves. Now, we are ready to participate.

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